Fabu-Health Skin Revision Treatment

Fabu-Health Scar/Stretch Mark Revision (FHSR) creates better tone, texture, & colour - and with the procedure, we typically see really good results just after one treatment, but typically we can see people up to five times. 
Many people have never heard of this treatment and have no idea how effective it can be at treating scars, lines, & stretch marks!
Although the treatment utilizes needles to essentially cause controlled trauma to the skin for it to repair and restructure, this is not the same as traditional microneedling.
Microneedling uses a different machine with larger cartridges containing many more needles. The FHSR treatment uses tattoo machines and cartridges with a smaller amount of needles, which are able to penetrate the skin more easily and target only the scar area that needs repairing.
FHSR treatment is clinically proven to be far more effective at treating scars and stretch marks compared to microneedling.
We won't know what that might look like for you until we actually start seeing the progress. We will monitor the progress on a case-by-case basis and we do that through photos. We will always be in communication about your healing progress and if we'll need additional appointments.
Everyone responds differently to treatment, so it is not possible to predict any results or how many sessions will be needed. Some clients have amazing results after one session.
Others may need 3–5, depending on the severity of the scarring and the client's skin response. Some may not see any significant improvement.
We find that with darker skin types, stretch marks re-pigment naturally very well after one or two sessions of needling. If FHSR needling doesn't re-pigment the stretch marks or scars naturally, then it is possible to have ink tattooing, depending on the colour of the scars and your skin type. FHSR treatment can be very effective in smoothing and softening scars after only one session, although everyone is different, so we can't predict the result.

Pregnancy, keloid scars, scleroderma, undergoing chemotherapy, use of Accutane or retinol, collagen vascular disease or cardiac abnormalities, a hemorrhagic disorder or hemostatic dysfunction, active bacterial or fungal infection, uncontrolled diabetes, and extreme hyperpigmentation.


  • Refrain from using Accutane for 6–12 months
  • Do not take any anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen, Motrin, or Advil for 3 days prior to treatment. These agents will interfere with the natural inflammatory process that is critical and responsible for your skin rejuvenation.
  • Avoidance of IPL/Laser procedures, unprotected sun exposure, or sunburn for 2 weeks prior. We want to prevent sunburn. We cannot work on burned, irritated skin.
  • No shaving the day of the procedure to avoid skin irritation to the area being treated. If there is dense hair present in the treatment area, closely shave the area the day before you arrive to your appointment.
  • Avoid blood-thinning agents (aspirin, fish oil, Omega-3, Vitamin E) for 1 week prior.
  • Avoid caffeine 48 hours prior to the appointment.




Immediately after treatment, your scars and stretch marks will be red, and swollen, and the skin will be irritated for about 2–4 weeks. THIS IS NORMAL!

  • Avoid wearing tight clothing for the next 2–3 days.
  • Avoid scratching or peeling to prevent infection or discoloration.
  • Avoid excessive sweating for 7 days. Moderate exercise is fine after 2 days of treatment.
  • Avoid exposing the area to the full water pressure of the shower for 7 days.
  • Avoid tanning and swimming (beach, pool, Jacuzzi, bath, etc.) for 40 days. 
  • Avoid sunscreen, self-tanning, or any cream that contains Vitamin D for 40 days.
  • Avoid perfume and deodorant near or in the treated area.

Day 1-4

  • Do not take Advil after the procedure (next 24 hours)

  • Redness, swelling, tightness, and the feeling of being sunburned are normal reactions. Apply wound spray 

  • Avoid all things hot: sauna, hot tub, sweating, etc.

  • You can shower 12 hours after the procedure

  • Use a gentle cleanser to cleanse the area

  • Do not rub aggressively

  • Apply aftercare 2 times a day or as required to keep the area hydrated

  • Recommended aftercare is discussed with your therapist.

Day 3-7

  • The area will become dry and flakey and possibly have a small amount of scabbing (DO NOT PICK)

  • Apply aftercare 2-4 x day

  • Apply wound spray every 2-4 hours



  • The skin may be dry and flakey and angry-looking

  • Use the wound spray every 2-4 hours and reapply the hydra boost.


  • The skin will be less angry, less swollen, and a little more flat

  • OPT: Use Wound spray 2xs a day and gently massage the hydra boost thoroughly into the treated area. 


Even though you may still be seeing your skin return to normal, it's not uncommon to see redness and/or hyperpigmentation.

Send photos in 4-6 weeks so we can follow up to see if you're ready for the next session or if your body needs more time to heal. Some people heal faster or slower, depending on their individual body health, metabolism, and lifestyle. If you're healing slowly, the next session will be around the 90-day mark. Do not be put out on this; if that's the case, we need to make sure your body is healing to its full potential before continuing treatment. LED helps with recovery as well as growth factors. We recommend two sessions of LED, two weeks apart. 

Note that darker skin types may need 2-3 months between treatments to completely heal and encourage properly healing to reduce the risk of strong hyperpigmentation. Chemical peels and skin tightening treatments may be done after 4 weeks of the FHSR.

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